Title image above is copyright © Optimate Group Pty Ltd
First published 22nd May 2023
This is a quick little post to complement any Dichondra repens and/or gotu kola listings on this site. What is the point in saying (in those listings) how similar the two are at first glance, without actually helping people tell the difference between them?!
Here is Dichondra repens, also known as dichondra or Australian kidney weed, growing in full sun:
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Here is gotu kola (Centella asiatica), also known as mandukaparni or arthritis herb, in full shade:
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Pretty similar yes? Also not helped by the fact that both species will grow larger leaves and longer petioles (the stalks to which leaves are attached) when in shade.
The best way to tell one from the other is to examine the leaves for two very easy to spot differences.
The Dichondra repens leaf has smooth edges (margins) and a distinct ‘U’ shape where the leaf meets the petiole:
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While gotu kola has a toothed margin and a sharp ‘V’ shape where the leaf meets the petiole:
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In referring back to the header graphic atop this post (reproduced below), you should now be able to recognise the leaf on the left as Dichondra, and that on the right as gotu kola:
copyright © Optimate Group Pty Ltd
2 Comment(s)
very good article. you made it very simple and straightforward
Thank You
So sorry Robert to only now reply to this, I had no idea your comment was in the system as it doesn't send notifications! Best regards, Kristi
Thanks for the distinction. I thought it was gotu kola I have and according to your description and images, was correct. There is a lot of misleading information out there on the internet. It’s good to get the facts.
Sorry Lisa to only now acknowledge this post, but I'm only now seeing this as this system doesn't notify me of replies! Lessons learned I guess. Many thanks for taking the time to reply at all, it is much appreciated and I am glad it was of use to you. Best regards, Kristi
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