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Online Botanical Catalogue/Request Propagation Materials

Online Botanical Catalogue/Request Propagation Materials

This section of the website is two-fold:

1. As an Online Botanical Catalogue

One purpose is to be an online catalogue of every species I have, where I can record botanical and other information for each.

This is very much a work in progress as I slowly list every species I have — and I have a lot!

2. To Facilitate Requests For Propagation Materials

The other purpose is to make available propagation material from plants featured in it, which may not yet be listed on this site for sale.

I have no idea how long it will take to list everything, so please don’t hesitate to ask for anything, on the off-chance I do.

Propagation material could be seeds, seedlings, non-rooted cuttings, bare-rooted cuttings, or potted, rooted, cuttings. What is able to be supplied will depend on the species, seasonality, and whether you are willing to wait in some circumstances.

I am also very open to bartering/swapping, so again, don’t hesitate to suggest one!

Please note that I am in eastern Australia. I do not send plants to the Northern Territory, Tasmania or Western Australia, and that there may be quarantine restrictions on some species to other States.
I also do not send biological material overseas.

– Kristi

Egyptian Walking Onions / Tree Onions (Allium × proliferum) as Propagation Material Egyptian Walking Onions / Tree Onions (Allium × proliferum) as Propagation Material
On Request Request Propagation Material
Family: Amaryllidaceae (the amaryllis family: includes Amaryllis, Agapanthus, Clivia and Scadoxus) Genus: Allium (includes onions, leeks, garlics, chives) Botanical/Binomial Name: Allium × proliferum Meaning of Name: Allium, from Latin allium (‘garlic’); and proliferum, from Latin proliferum (‘..
Ex Tax:$8.00
Heirloom Sugarcane (Saccharum sp.) as Propagation Material Heirloom Sugarcane (Saccharum sp.) as Propagation Material
On Request Request Propagation Material
Family: Poaceae (the grass family: includes lawn grasses, bamboos, cereals, lemon grasses) Genus: Saccharum (includes many sugarcanes) Botanical/Binomial Name: Saccharum sp. Ancestry of this cultivar unknown. Likely to be Saccharum officinarum, but could be a hybrid. Meaning of Name: Saccharum, ..
Ex Tax:$13.64
Herb Robert (Geranium robertianum) as Propagation Material Herb Robert (Geranium robertianum) as Propagation Material
On Request Request Propagation Material
Family: Geraniaceae (the geranium family: includes Geranium and Pelargonium) Genus: Geranium (includes the cranesbills (the true geraniums)) Botanical/Binomial Name: Geranium robertianum Meaning of Name: Geranium, from Ancient Greek γέρανος (géranos, ‘crane’): seed capsule resembling a crane’s b..
Ex Tax:$5.00
Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum) as Propagation Material Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum) as Propagation Material
New On Request Request Propagation Material
Family: Sapindaceae (the soapberry family: includes maples, lychee, and horse chestnut) Genus: Acer (the maples) Botanical/Binomial Name: Acer palmatum Meaning of Name: Acer, from Latin acer (‘maple tree’); and palmatum, from Latin palmātum (neuter singular of palmātus, ‘hand-shaped’, ‘palm-lea..
Ex Tax:$50.00
Jiaogulan (Gynostemma pentaphyllum) as Propagation Material Jiaogulan (Gynostemma pentaphyllum) as Propagation Material
New On Request Request Propagation Material
Family: Cucurbitaceae (the curcubits or the gourd family: includes cucumbers, gourds, melons) Genus: Gynostemma (all species within this genus are perennial climbing vines with tendrils; most are dioecious [having separate male and female plants]) Botanical/Binomial Name: Gynostemma pentaphyllum ..
Ex Tax:$20.00
Kaempferia rotunda (Peacock Ginger) as Propagation Material Kaempferia rotunda (Peacock Ginger) as Propagation Material
New On Request Request Propagation Material
Family: Zingiberaceae (the ginger family: includes gingers, galangals, and turnerics) Genus: Kaempferia (includes Thai black ginger) Botanical/Binomial Name: Kaempferia rotunda Meaning of Name: Kaempferia, after Engelbert Kaempfer (1651–1716), a German naturalist, physician, explorer and writer ..
Ex Tax:$10.00
Matchstick Bromeliad (Aechmea gamosepala) as Propagation Material Matchstick Bromeliad (Aechmea gamosepala) as Propagation Material
On Request Request Propagation Material
Family: Bromeliaceae (the bromeliad family) Genus: Aechmea (includes silver vase [urn plant]) Botanical/Binomial Name: Aechmea gamosepala Meaning of Name: Aechmea, from Ancient Greek αἰχμή (aikhmḗ, ‘spearhead’, ‘arrowhead’) inflorescence like a spear; and gamosepala, from Italian gamosepala (fe..
Ex Tax:$7.27
Pigeon Pea (Cajanus cajan) as Propagation Material Pigeon Pea (Cajanus cajan) as Propagation Material
New On Request Request Propagation Material
Family: Fabaceae (the legume family: includes peas and beans) Genus: Cajanus (includes 37 species) Botanical/Binomial Name: Cajanus cajan Meaning of Name: Cajanus, from Malay katjang (‘pigeon pea’); and cajan, from Malay katjang (‘pigeon pea’) Common Names: Pigeon Pea, Congo Pea, Yellow Dhal..
Ex Tax:$4.55
Red Beard Bunching/Spring/Welsh Onions (Allium fistulosum) as Propagation Material Red Beard Bunching/Spring/Welsh Onions (Allium fistulosum) as Propagation Material
On Request Request Propagation Material
Family: Amaryllidaceae (the amaryllis family: includes Amaryllis, Agapanthus, Clivia and Scadoxus) Genus: Allium (includes onions, leeks, garlics, chives) Botanical/Binomial Name: Allium fistulosum Meaning of Name: Allium, from Latin allium (‘garlic’); and fistulosum, from Latin fistulōsum (‘tu..
Ex Tax:$8.00
Red-stemmed Malabar/Climbing Spinach (Basella alba 'Rubra') as Propagation Material Red-stemmed Malabar/Climbing Spinach (Basella alba 'Rubra') as Propagation Material
New On Request Request Propagation Material
Family: Basellaceae (includes Madeira vine) Genus: Basella (includes climbing or trailing vines) Botanical/Binomial Name: Basella alba ‘Rubra’ Meaning of Name: Basella, from the south Indian name Basale, recorded by the Dutch botanist Hendrik Rheede (1636-1691) in Malabar as Basella; and alba, ..
Ex Tax:$5.00
Red-Veined Sorrel/Bloody Dock Plant (Rumex sanguineus) as Propagation Material Red-Veined Sorrel/Bloody Dock Plant (Rumex sanguineus) as Propagation Material
New On Request Request Propagation Material
Family: Polygonaceae (the buckwheat family: includes wild buckwheat, docks, sorrels) Genus: Rumex (includes the docks and sorrels) Botanical/Binomial Name: Rumex sanguineus Meaning of Name: Rumex, from Latin rumex (‘sorrel’); and sanguineus, from Latin sanguis (‘blood’) + Latin -eus (used to fo..
Ex Tax:$5.00
Rhipsalis cereuscula (Rice or Coral Cactus)  as Propagation Material Rhipsalis cereuscula (Rice or Coral Cactus)  as Propagation Material
On Request Request Propagation Material
Family: Cactaceae (the cactus family) Genus: Rhipsalis (includes many Central and South American epiphytes) Botanical/Binomial Name: Rhipsalis cereuscula Meaning of Name: Rhipsalis, from New Latin, from Ancient Greek ῥίψ (rhíps, ‘wickerwork’) + Latin -alis (‘-al’): pertaining to wickerwork; and ..
Ex Tax:$10.00
Showing 13 to 24 of 31 (3 Pages)