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- Family Amaryllidaceae, the Amaryllis Family
- Family Apiaceae, the Umbellifers or the Celery, Carrot or Parsley Family
- Family Asparagaceae, the Asparagus Family
- Family Asteraceae, the Aster, Daisy, Composite, or Sunflower Family
- Family Basellaceae
- Family Bignoniaceae, the Bignonia or Trumpet Vine Family
- Family Bromeliaceae, the Bromeliad Family
- Family Cactaceae, the Cactus Family
- Family Cucurbitaceae, the Curcubits or the Gourd Family
- Family Dioscoreaceae, the Yam Family
- Family Fabaceae, the Legume, Pea or Bean Family
- Family Geraniaceae, the Geranium Family
- Family Iridaceae, the Iris Family
- Family Lamiaceae, the Mint, Deadnettle, or Sage Family
- Family Plantaginaceae, the Plaintain or Veronica Family
- Family Poaceae, the Grass Family
- Family Polygonaceae, the Knotweed or Smartweed-Buckwheat Family
- Family Rhamnaceae, the Buckthorn Family
- Family Rosaceae, the Rose Family
- Family Rubiaceae, the Coffee, Madder, or Bedstraw Family
- Family Sapindaceae, the Soapberry Family
- Family Selaginellaceae, the Spikemoss or Lesser Clubmoss Family
- Family Solanaceae, the Nightshade Family
- Family Zingiberaceae, the Ginger Family
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- Plants: 90 mm Square Bottomless Pots
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Getting high freight calculations on multiple Air-Pot® items in checkout? Please read the “Air-Pot® Shipping” info here. Dimensions: Inside diameter..$4.50Ex Tax:$4.09Getting high freight calculations on multiple Air-Pot® items in checkout? Please read the “Air-Pot® Shipping” info here. Dimensions: Inside diameter..$10.00Ex Tax:$9.09Getting high freight calculations on multiple Air-Pot® items in checkout? Please read the “Air-Pot® Shipping” info here. Dimensions: Inside diameter..$20.00Ex Tax:$18.18Family: Rhamnaceae (includes buckthorns; Rhamnaceae is also known as the buckthorn family) Genus: Ziziphus (includes Indian Ber) Botanical/Binomial ..$125.00Ex Tax:$113.64Getting high freight calculations on multiple Air-Pot® items in checkout? Please read the “Air-Pot® Shipping” info here. Dimensions: Inside diameter..$33.00Ex Tax:$30.00Family: Rhamnaceae (includes buckthorns; Rhamnaceae is also known as the buckthorn family) Genus: Ziziphus (includes Indian Ber) Botanical/Binomial ..$125.00Ex Tax:$113.64Getting high freight calculations on multiple Air-Pot® items in checkout? Please read the “Air-Pot® Shipping” info here. Dimensions: Inside diameter..$55.00Ex Tax:$50.00Getting high freight calculations on multiple Air-Pot® items in checkout? Please read the “Air-Pot® Shipping” info here. Dimensions: Inside diameter..$5.00Ex Tax:$4.55Family: Rhamnaceae (includes buckthorns; Rhamnaceae is also known as the buckthorn family) Genus: Ziziphus (includes Indian Ber) Botanical/Binomial ..$125.00Ex Tax:$113.64Family: Selaginellaceae (the spikemoss or lesser clubmoss family) Genus: Selaginella (includes spikemosses — Selaginella is the sole genus of Selagin..$3.30Ex Tax:$3.00Family: Rhamnaceae (includes buckthorns; Rhamnaceae is also known as the buckthorn family) Genus: Ziziphus (includes Indian Ber) Botanical/Binomial ..$125.00Ex Tax:$113.64Family: Dioscoreaceae (includes several yam species) Genus: Dioscorea (includes several yam species) Botanical/Binomial Name: Dioscorea polystachya ..$8.80Ex Tax:$8.00Getting high freight calculations on multiple Air-Pot® items in checkout? Please read the “Air-Pot® Shipping” info here. Dimensions: Inside diameter..$20.00Ex Tax:$18.18Family: Rhamnaceae (includes buckthorns; Rhamnaceae is also known as the buckthorn family) Genus: Ziziphus (includes Indian Ber) Botanical/Binomial ..$125.00Ex Tax:$113.64Family: Geraniaceae (includes Geranium and Pelargonium) Genus: Geranium (includes the cranesbills (the true geraniums)) Botanical/Binomial Name: Ger..$5.50Ex Tax:$5.00Family: Rhamnaceae (includes buckthorns; Rhamnaceae is also known as the buckthorn family) Genus: Ziziphus (includes Indian Ber) Botanical/Binomial ..$125.00Ex Tax:$113.64Family: Rhamnaceae (includes buckthorns; Rhamnaceae is also known as the buckthorn family) Genus: Ziziphus (includes Indian Ber) Botanical/Binomial ..$125.00Ex Tax:$113.64Getting high freight calculations on multiple Air-Pot® items in checkout? Please read the “Air-Pot® Shipping” info here. Dimensions: Inside diameter..$20.00Ex Tax:$18.18Getting high freight calculations on multiple Air-Pot® items in checkout? Please read the “Air-Pot® Shipping” info here. Dimensions: Inside diameter..$17.00Ex Tax:$15.45Getting high freight calculations on multiple Air-Pot® items in checkout? Please read the “Air-Pot® Shipping” info here. Dimensions: Inside diameter..$30.00Ex Tax:$27.27Family: Bromeliaceae (the bromeliad family) Genus: Vriesea (includes silver vase [urn plant]) Botanical/Binomial Name: Vriesea philippocoburgii Mea..$15.00Ex Tax:$13.64Family: Bromeliaceae (the bromeliad family) Genus: Vriesea (includes silver vase [urn plant]) Botanical/Binomial Name: Vriesea philippocoburgii Mea..$200.00Ex Tax:$181.82Family: Bromeliaceae (the bromeliad family) Genus: Vriesea (includes silver vase [urn plant]) Botanical/Binomial Name: Vriesea philippocoburgii Mea..$15.00Ex Tax:$13.64Family: Bromeliaceae (the bromeliad family) Genus: Vriesea (includes silver vase [urn plant]) Botanical/Binomial Name: Vriesea philippocoburgii Mea..$60.00Ex Tax:$54.55Family: Fabaceae (the legume family: includes peas and beans) Genus: Cajanus (includes 37 species) Botanical/Binomial Name: Cajanus cajan Meaning o..$5.00Ex Tax:$4.55Family: Fabaceae (the legume family: includes peas and beans) Genus: Cajanus (includes 37 species) Botanical/Binomial Name: Cajanus cajan Meaning o..$5.00Ex Tax:$4.55Family: Fabaceae (the legume family: includes peas and beans) Genus: Cajanus (includes 37 species) Botanical/Binomial Name: Cajanus cajan Meaning o..$15.00Ex Tax:$13.64Family: Zingiberaceae (includes gingers, galangals, and turnerics) Genus: Globba (includes many gingers with dainty flowers all called “dancing ladie..$11.00Ex Tax:$10.00Family: Amaryllidaceae (includes Amaryllis, Agapanthus, Clivia and Scadoxus) Genus: Allium (includes onions, leeks, garlics, chives) Botanical/Binom..$8.80Ex Tax:$8.00Family: Basellaceae (includes Madeira vine) Genus: Basella (includes climbing or trailing vines) Botanical/Binomial Name: Basella alba ‘Rubra’ Mean..$5.50Ex Tax:$5.00Family: Basellaceae (includes Madeira vine) Genus: Basella (includes climbing or trailing vines) Botanical/Binomial Name: Basella alba ‘Rubra’ Mean..$11.00Ex Tax:$10.00Family: Bromeliaceae (the bromeliad family) Genus: Vriesea (includes silver vase [urn plant]) Botanical/Binomial Name: Vriesea philippocoburgii Mea..$15.00Ex Tax:$13.64Family: Bromeliaceae (the bromeliad family) Genus: Vriesea (includes silver vase [urn plant]) Botanical/Binomial Name: Vriesea philippocoburgii Mea..$15.00Ex Tax:$13.64Family: Bromeliaceae (the bromeliad family) Genus: Vriesea (includes silver vase [urn plant]) Botanical/Binomial Name: Vriesea philippocoburgii Mea..$200.00Ex Tax:$181.82
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