Family: Selaginellaceae (the spikemoss or lesser clubmoss family)
Genus: Selaginella (includes spikemosses — Selaginella is the sole genus of Selagin..
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Family: Lamiaceae (the mint family: includes mints, basils, sages, oreganos)
Genus: Glechoma (includes several similar-looking ground ivies)
Botanical/Binomial Name: Glechoma hederacea
Meaning of Name:
Glechoma, from New Latin, from Ancient Greek γλήχων (glḗkhōn, ‘pennyroyal’); and
hederacea, f..
Family: Iridaceae (includes freesias, gladioli, and crocuses)
Genus: Iris (includes irises)
Botanical/Binomial Name: Iris × germanica
Iris, from Ancient Greek Ἶρις (Îris, ‘the messenger of the gods’, ‘a rainbow’): named for Iris, a Greek goddess who carried messages to Earth from Olympus via a ra..
Family: Bignoniaceae (the bigonia or trumpet vine family: includes Jacaranda and Pandorea)
Genus: Pandorea (includes nine species of flowering woody vines native to Australia, Malesia and parts of Melanesia)
Botanical/Binomial Name: Pandorea jasminoides
Meaning of Name:
Pandorea, a reference to ..
Family: Plantaginaceae (the plantain or veronica family: includes plantains, snapdragon, foxglove)
Genus: Bacopa (includes disk water hyssop, Gila River water hyssop)
Botanical/Binomial Name: Bacopa monnieri
Meaning of Name:
Bacopa, from New Latin bacopa, from a vernacular word used by the indig..
Family: Polygonaceae (includes sorrel, rhubarb and buckwheat)
Genus: Muehlenbeckia (includes climbing lignum)
Botanical/Binomial Name: Muehlenbeckia platyclada
Meaning of Name:
Muehlenbeckia, after H. G. Mühlenbeck (d.1845), Alsatian physician + Latin -ia (used especially to form genus names by ..
Family: Dioscoreaceae (the yam family: includes several yam species)
Genus: Dioscorea (includes several yam species)
Botanical/Binomial Name: Dioscorea polystachya
Meaning of Name:
Dioscorea, after the Ancient Greek physician, pharmacologist, botanist and author Pedánios Dioskourídēs (Πεδάνιος Δ..
Family: Zingiberaceae (the ginger family: includes gingers, galangals, and turnerics)
Genus: Alpinia (includes Australian native ginger)
Botanical/Binomial Name: Alpinia galanga
Meaning of Name:
Alpinia, after the 17th century Italian botanist Prospero Alpini + Latin -ia (used especially to form..
Family: Zingiberaceae (the ginger family: includes gingers, galangals, and turnerics)
Genus: Curcuma (includes turmerics and Siam Tulip)
Botanical/Binomial Name: Curcuma longa
Meaning of Name:
Curcuma, from New Latin, from Arabic كُرْكُم (kurkum, ‘turmeric’, ‘Indian saffron’ (a reference to the ..
Family: Amaryllidaceae (the amaryllis family: includes Amaryllis, Agapanthus, Clivia and Scadoxus)
Genus: Allium (includes onions, leeks, garlics, chives)
Botanical/Binomial Name: Allium × proliferum
Meaning of Name:
Allium, from Latin allium (‘garlic’); and
proliferum, from Latin proliferum (‘..
Family: Poaceae (the grass family: includes lawn grasses, bamboos, cereals, lemon grasses)
Genus: Saccharum (includes many sugarcanes)
Botanical/Binomial Name: Saccharum sp. Ancestry of this cultivar unknown. Likely to be Saccharum officinarum, but could be a hybrid.
Meaning of Name:
Saccharum, ..
Family: Geraniaceae (the geranium family: includes Geranium and Pelargonium)
Genus: Geranium (includes the cranesbills (the true geraniums))
Botanical/Binomial Name: Geranium robertianum
Meaning of Name:
Geranium, from Ancient Greek γέρανος (géranos, ‘crane’): seed capsule resembling a crane’s b..
Family: Sapindaceae (the soapberry family: includes maples, lychee, and horse chestnut)
Genus: Acer (the maples)
Botanical/Binomial Name: Acer palmatum
Meaning of Name:
Acer, from Latin acer (‘maple tree’); and
palmatum, from Latin palmātum (neuter singular of palmātus, ‘hand-shaped’, ‘palm-lea..