Family: Selaginellaceae (the spikemoss or lesser clubmoss family)
Genus: Selaginella (includes spikemosses — Selaginella is the sole genus of Selagin..
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High quality, heavy-duty, UV-treated clips you can use over and over again for years. Easy to apply and perfect for training ..
Family: Poaceae (the grass family: includes lawn grasses, bamboos, cereals, lemon grasses)
Genus: Saccharum (includes many sugarcanes)
Botanical/Binomial Name: Saccharum sp. Ancestry of this cultivar unknown. Likely to be Saccharum officinarum, but could be a hybrid.
Meaning of Name:
Saccharum, ..
Family: Rhamnaceae (includes buckthorns; Rhamnaceae is also known as the buckthorn family)
Genus: Ziziphus (includes Indian Ber)
Botanical/Binomial Name: Ziziphus jujuba Mill.
Meaning of Name:
Ziziphus, from Latin zīziphum, form Ancient Greek ζίζυφον (zízuphon): denoting the fruit; and
jujuba, ..
Family: Poaceae (the grass family: includes lawn grasses, bamboos, cereals, lemon grasses)
Genus: Saccharum (includes many sugarcanes)
Botanical/Binomial Name: Saccharum sp. Ancestry of this cultivar unknown. Likely to be Saccharum officinarum, but could be a hybrid.
Meaning of Name:
Saccharum, ..