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High quality, heavy-duty, UV-treated clips you can use over and over again for years. Easy to apply and perfect for training ..
Family: Rosaceae (the rose family: includes roses, peaches, apricots)
Genus: Sanguisorba (includes burnets)
Botanical/Binomial Name: Sanguisorba minor
Meaning of Name:
Sanguisorba, from Latin sanguis (‘blood’) + sorba (from Latin sorbēre ‘to absorb’): a reference to medicinal use of this plant..
Family: Rosaceae (the rose family: includes roses, peaches, apricots)
Genus: Sanguisorba (includes burnets)
Botanical/Binomial Name: Sanguisorba minor
Meaning of Name:
Sanguisorba, from Latin sanguis (‘blood’) + sorba (from Latin sorbēre ‘to absorb’): a reference to medicinal use of this plant..